Friday, August 20, 2010

Have you ever............?

1. cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend?

2. flirted with a girl if your a boy or a girl with if your a girl? (I know this seems like a strange question, but you'd be surprised on how many straight people said yes)

3. read Twilight?

4. put a mento in a coke (if you haven't, try's worth it)

5. shopped on Black Friday?

6. flirted with someone at least 5 years older than you? 10 years?

7. sang along to Hannah Montana's Best of Both Worlds?

8. been seen naked in public unintentionally? Intentionally?

9. watched the movie Harry Potter?

10. been spanked by someone your own age (I have...)

11. walked around your house shirtless

12. cried at a movie theater?

13. had sex in a bathroom stall?

14. cussed viciously at or threaten your computer? (I have...I actually threw it out the window :)

15. taken a survey like this before?Have you ever............?
1. cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend?

i guess, but i regret it.

2. flirted with a girl if your a boy or a girl with if your a girl? (I know this seems like a strange question, but you'd be surprised on how many straight people said yes)

LOL wow now why would i do that?

3. read Twilight?

yeah its alright, i guess. not that amazing though,

4. put a mento in a coke (if you haven't, try's worth it)

noppee; im guna try it ! flavoured mento?

5. shopped on Black Friday?


6. flirted with someone at least 5 years older than you? 10 years?


7. sang along to Hannah Montana's Best of Both Worlds?

ew no. :(

8. been seen naked in public unintentionally? Intentionally?

unintentionally? noo, intentionally? yeah.

9. watched the movie Harry Potter?


10. been spanked by someone your own age (I have...)


11. walked around your house shirtless

noo not with my brothers aroundd, eww.

12. cried at a movie theater?


13. had sex in a bathroom stall

LMAO thats disgusting

14. cussed viciously at or threaten your computer? (I have...I actually threw it out the window :)

noo %26gt;%26lt;

15. taken a survey like this before?

not the exact same onee.

♥ =DHave you ever............?
1. Nope!

2. Huh? O_o

3. No, I should...apparently it's amazing?

4. No...I'm missin' out on life! D:

5. What's that?

6. No way

7. Yes :| SHAMEFUL xD

8. No, thankfully

9. Yes

10. O_o

11. Nope

12. No...but at home, yes xD


14. No, I don't curse at all...I threaten inanimate objects though xD

15. Yeah, but this one was teh bomb :D
1. define cheat..

2. yea :)

3. does the fist page [and only the first page] count?

4. not yet but i will one day :)

5. yyea.. pretty funny

6. no but i have with a guy 4 years older haha

7. yea haha its fun :)

8. HELL NO! oops caps..

9. just the first one :)

10. a million times.. lol

11. haha yea.. but no one was home :O

12. i try not to..

13. not yet ;) lol

14. hahha yea... thousands of times :)

15. actually.... yes, yes i have :)
1. Nope.

2. What?

3. Yeah.

4. Yesss.

5. Kind of. Nothing big though.

6. Yes.[;

7. Yep. Lol.

8. Naaaww.

9. Helll, that is the dumbest movie ever.

10. Yeaaah. haha.

11. All the time.

12. No.

13. No, not yet..

14. Yes. Haha. I was getting irretated.

15. Probably. Oh well.
1. nope.

2. no.

3. yeah. (lame, i know.)

4. of course. Who hasn't?

5. yeah.

6. 5, yes. 10, maybe.

7. haha. surprisingly, yes.

8. nope. and no.

9. unfortunately, yes.

10. haha. yeah.

11. no. there's too many windows.

12. yeah. :(

13. no.

14. yeah.

15. yes.
1. yes

2. um...yes

3. book 1

4. yeah

5. uhuh

6. yes and yes :\

7. haven't we all??

8. no (thank god!) and no again

9. every one!

10. are we talking s%26amp;m??? no, im not into that....

11. haha. yup.

12. yeah

13. once

14. haha yeah. all the time.

15. no
yes to watching harry potter

being spanked by someone my own age

walked around my house shirtless

i have cried in a movie theatre (and thats not all either hahaha)

i have had sex in a bathroom stall

cussed and threatened my computer ( i actually slapped it once)
1/ no

2/umm no i think


4/no but i'll try



7/haha yes all the time i hear it



10/oh yes

11/not really


13/aww no it way to small

14/not really

15/yea all the time
1] no not EVER

2] huh??

3] yeah and hated it

4] no?

5] hell no! last time a broke a leg!

6] yeah

7] when i was bored/ hyper

8] no

9] i watched all the movies

10] yup.....

11] yup [and pantless]

12] no

13] no

14] yes like a million times

15] yup
1. no

2. ?

3. one book got bored never again its awful

4. YES

5. ya

6. no



10. no

11. well i had a bra on

12. yes


15. sadly yes
1. No

2. No?

3. YES!

4. Yup

5. Just did

6. Ha yes

7. Self-consciously

8. No, no

9. Yes

10. Ha ha yes

11. When no one was home

12. Uh no dont think so

13. No

14. Yes, Yes i have

15. Uh no dont think so. Good job ;)
1. no

2. what?

3. only like 10 pages

4. yes

5. yes

6. yea

7. hell no..well actually when it first came out i did

8. no

9. yes

10. no

11. yes

12. no

13. no

14. yes

15. yes
1. No cos i never had one yet

2. no

3. No, i don't like twilight

4. no

5. no

6. no

7. no

8. no

9.yes but it was sh*t

10. no

11. no

12. no

13. no

14. yes lol

1) no

2) no

3) no

4) no

5) no

6) no

7) no

8) no

9) yes

10) no, the girls I've dated have been younger than me

11) yes

12) yes

13) no

14) yes

15) no
1. no

2. no

3. yes

4. no

5. yes

6. no, no

7. no

8. no, no

9. yes

10. yes

11. no

12. yes

13. no

14. yes

15. no
1. no

2. yes

3. no

4. no

5. yes

6. no

7. yes

8. no

9. no

10. yes

11. yes

12. no

13. no

14. yes

15. yes









no. i would be murderous if someone did that to me...


hah. not that i can recall

never had sex

hah. i slap mine.

hasn't everyone?













no i like it!














Everyone has answered a survey like this.
Do you really expect someone to read and answer every question on this whole ******* list? By the time I did that, Santa would be going down my chimney! BUTTFACE

pretty sad.

Yes to all of them.
yes to ALL
nope to all
1. cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend? nope

2. flirted with a girl if your a boy or a girl with if your a girl? (I know this seems like a strange question, but you'd be surprised on how many straight people said yes) nope

3. read Twilight? yes and hated every page of it

4. put a mento in a coke (if you haven't, try's worth it) no but i heard the coke explodes.....

5. shopped on Black Friday? heck yea who hasnt?

6. flirted with someone at least 5 years older than you? 10 years? no.....

7. sang along to Hannah Montana's Best of Both Worlds? sadly yes

8. been seen naked in public unintentionally? Intentionally? no was i suppose to be?

9. watched the movie Harry Potter? yes and didnt like it

10. been spanked by someone your own age (I have...) nope

11. walked around your house shirtless no

12. cried at a movie theater? yes many times

13. had sex in a bathroom stall? no.........

14. cussed viciously at or threaten your computer? (I have...I actually threw it out the window :) yes!!!! who hasnt done that?!

15. taken a survey like this before? yes but yours has been the best :D
1. cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend? NO

2. flirted with a girl if your a boy or a girl with if your a girl? (I know this seems like a strange question, but you'd be surprised on how many straight people said yes) NO

3. read Twilight? NO

4. put a mento in a coke (if you haven't, try's worth it) NOPE

5. shopped on Black Friday? NOPE

6. flirted with someone at least 5 years older than you? 10 years? No, Slitghtly DIFF, 4 Years Younger

7. sang along to Hannah Montana's Best of Both Worlds? NO

8. been seen naked in public unintentionally? Intentionally? NO

9. watched the movie Harry Potter? YES

10. been spanked by someone your own age (I have...) YES, IN PUBLIC

11. walked around your house shirtless NO

12. cried at a movie theater? NO

13. had sex in a bathroom stall? NO

14. cussed viciously at or threaten your computer? (I have...I actually threw it out the window :) NO

15. taken a survey like this before YES

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