Friday, August 20, 2010

If you think your boyfriend or girlfriend was foolin around on you, how would you try to find out?

works third shift with this girl who, when they are together,,,,(i have been to the bar with him and she has showed up and sat by us,) flirt to the point I have had our friends come up to me and ask what is up with the two of them.If you think your boyfriend or girlfriend was foolin around on you, how would you try to find out?
If you have to ask then he's not worth your time. But if YOU think that he is, then ask. Ask, ask, and ask, he wants to tell you but is afraid and eventually will. He's been feeling guilty about it or else he wouldn't be with you anymore.If you think your boyfriend or girlfriend was foolin around on you, how would you try to find out?
Go to the bar when he is at work but wear a disguise, or, send a private investigator to go in your place and capture it on tape.
I found out mine was cheating by faithful computer.. Key stroke thing my friend sent me lol.. he was cheating that way and saying it was just a friend.. and nothing happened.. and he never even told her about me and told her how much he wants to go up there and ****. I'm sick of talking about it makes me ferious. 4 years ago todate lol. Still w/ him because im a loser.

Ask a really hot best friend to go up to him a flirt with him and ask him things about him having a gf lik if he has on and such or if you have an internet get someone to flirt that way and see if he says he doesn't and if he says he doesnt and then kick his sorry *** out if you can.
Leave him/her. No need to investigate, just walk away.
follow them
by keeping an eye on him like every time calling and asking where he is and with could be annoying to do but just do it when u have full doubt on him
ask them if they want a threesome if they look happy say yes or fumble on words then yes they are doing it
what is the need to try to find out. if you really love him and he loves you truly. then trust on him....

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